Special Awards.
Junior Awards
Joan Thompson Trophy for the most promising pianist under 12 years.
2012 awarded to Angela Liu.
Laiseran Junior Trophy for the most outstanding performance of the junior soloists in Traditional Music.
2012 awarded to Caitlin Mitchell.
Foster Shield and Award for Music Theatre and £100 music vouchers for the singer with the highest mark in Music Theatre.
2012 jointly awarded to John Carville and Holly Monson.
Maurice Foster Memorial Cup for the best Primary School Choir.
2012 awarded to Glencraig Integrated Primary School.
Senior Awards
Barry Douglas Cup for the most accomplished pianist over 12 years.
2012 awarded to Shannon Moulds.
Buckley Shield for the senior traditional music group which gave the most accomplished and mature performance. 2012 awarded to Ards CCE.
McWhirk Cup for the highest mark in an Instrumental class. 2012 awarded to Eileen Muckian.
Foster Award for Vocal solo + £100 for the most promising singer from classes B10, B14, B16, B19 and B22.
2012 awarded to Sarah Elks.
Burnside Shield for the best Secondary School choir. 2012 awarded to Bangor Academy & Sixth Form College.
Montmartre Cup for the most promising singer under 15 years. 2012 awarded to Connor McMullan.
Godfrey Brown Cup for the person who contributed most to the Festival.
2012 awarded to Jane Bell.
Laiseran Senior Trophy for the most outstanding performance of the senior soloists in Traditional Music.
2012 awarded to Coleen McCleery.