Holywood Music FestivalĀ 

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Festival will be held at Royal Belfast Golf Club at 7.00 p.m. on 13 March, 2014 and the members of the Committee and I would be delighted if you were able to join us.

Although the Committee does a great deal to prepare for the Festival, it could not happen or be anything like as successful as it has been without the support and encouragement of a large number of people like you, and we very much want to share our celebration of what was achieved in 2013 with you and as many other friends as possible.

A more detailed agenda will be available at the meeting, but I can tell you now that, in addition to brief reports from the officers of the Committee and a statement of our accounts, it will include proposals for two minor amendments to the constitution.

I look forward to meeting you on 13 March and, if you are able to join us, Iā€™d be very grateful if you would let either Linda Alexander or Marianne Underwood know.

Their contact details are as follows :

Linda Alexander : contactus@holywoodmusicfestival.com

Marianne Underwood : marianne1618@hotmail.com

John Young
